What is it?
A holter monitor records your heart rhythm continuously throughout the day and night. The length of time that you will need to wear the monitor will be determined by your specialist.
For any patient enquiries please speak to your specialist or contact MCDC by calling us on (03) 9802 9250.

Procedure Information
What to bring
- A current referral from your GP or specialist
- Medicare card, private health fund cards and any other concession cards
- N.B. Full payment will be required on the day of appointment
- Wear a loose-fitting shirt or top as the technician will need access to the chest area
- A bath or shower the morning of the appointment is advised as you will be unable to do so for 24 hours
- No other preparation is required
- The holter monitor will either be hung loosely around your neck by a strap or clipped onto your waistband and electrodes stuck to areas of your chest
- During the recording you will need to list your symptoms, the time they occur and what you were doing at the time on the diary sheet provided
- Patients are able to carry out normal daily activities
- DO NOT get monitor wet (i.e., no swimming or showering) NOR use an electric blanket or magnetic underlay
Please allow three working days for results to be recorded before making a follow up appointment with the referring doctor. Please notify the technician if you have an appointment within three days following procedure. A cardiologist will complete the report.